Minecraft: Pocket Edition App Reviews

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Please Read Me Microsoft!

Ive been playing for 5 years so Ive had A LOT of updates and theyve been awesome but theirs a problem its not fun any more heres 20 things I really would enjoy in Minecraft, (Most of these are going to be effects). 1. When squids ink the player should have blindness 5 for 10 sec. 2. More Weapons and Gems 3. More Enchantments 4. When ever the player loses health the player should get slowness for 5 sec. 5. Add a Space Dimension and space equipment. 6. Add more mobs and bosses 7. Add more tree types 8. Add different wood types for chest 9. Add bottles of blood 10. When players drink blood the player will be given half a heart 11. Add Wooden Golems, Golden Golems, Diamond Golems, and Emerald Golems. Thanks For reading ?.

Ok game but can get really boring

This is a great game but after a little while it gets pretty boring

Love the game we need a book and quil

Its been a long time we need our book and quil I was told bye a YouTuber we would get books and quils still love the game!

Game is back to normal! Thank you!

The "losing progress" glitch is completely gone! THANK YOU MOJANG! You are the best! I just have one suggestion: Can you please add the stained glass? That would be SO great if you added that! Best game ever! Thank you for fixing the bugs! You are the best!

2 things to Update

Hey! Love Minecraft but can I ask you a favor. I have two things that I want to be updated. 1) I want to be able to visit someone using a differ wifi connection.And then they can visit me to. 2) I made this world where all buildings are right next to each other and I totally regret that . And I wish I could move the buildings. And everything around it. And there are about 50 differ buildings so image how long it would take to get from 1 place to another. So what Im saying is: can you update it to where we can move buildings and everything around it. And everything that are in the chests stays in the chests while the building is being moved. Plz make those 2 ideas happen. Plz and thank you!!!

Greedy and crashes

The store is greedy and game crashes


I used to love this game, but lets just be honest... having to build all of the mansions is time consuming and sometimes boring, in my opinion. Therefore, I signed in so I could buy a world with the coins on the game, and after I signed in everything started to glitch. After waiting for a very long time, I finally got to the stage where I could buy a world... but I need coins. So, I bought some coins with my own money and I never got anything so I retried and bought some more coins, and yet again I did not receive anything. Point is after I signed in so I would have a world that already had houses it was so glitchy (and absolutely nothing worked) I signed out and lost the one free world (Restone Mansion) I was able to get.

Small request

Just wondering if you could put in stained glass and/or world edit?


BEST GAME IVE EVER PLAYED IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️RATING!!!!!


Had this game for a long time, and its been working great until the latest update. I cant load previous worlds made prior to the recent update, and whenever I try to create a world or even explore what the new update has to offer, it crashes.

Horses dying

The horses die when mounted by someone who didnt tame them and get badly hurt when saddles are put on them, please fix

Minecraft amaze balls

Minecraft is the best game ever its so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


...I have no idea how to use most of the new stuff. Like they are mostly colorful blocks. I know something is to be useful, I just dont know what or where to find it. I mostly wish the journal/diary becomes available. Parrots, moveable alpacas, craft able end stone, (because honestly, its rare to stumble upon a strong hold.) as well as easier ways to craft leads, find new objects, etc. Also, what happened to the blacksmith chests? Theyre practically nonexistent, or is it just me. All in all though, the app has REALLY improved from its days where we all were the Steve character.

Minecraft is awesome!!

My minecraft story has took me to a far adventure.My sister showed me all the games That I like now, like Minecraft, slither.io, and more. Notch and Jeb have done a amazing job and the Mojang Team, Good Job?! EA and Mojang are top notch!!Oh and I forgot that she showed me the sims too! Keep up the good work Mojang! Và rất rất hay game này max hay luôn

That one need in this game

Maybe adding more tamable creatures in this game would awesome the more the merrier!

Best Game Ever!

This game is awesome and if you have not already got it I highly recommend you do. My favorite part of this game is that I have played it for five years and still have loads of stuff to do. Furthermore I will probably keep playing it for many years to come. You cant do this with any other game (That I know of) Another great feature of this game is that the controls are easy to learn and after an hour of playing you can be a pro (kinda) I would like to say to Mojang that the update is amazing and if anybody doesnt like it then look into the code of the game. It ridicule complicated and imposible to understand. But Mojang programs awesome updates with ease. The only thing I think that could make the game better would be to add stained glass but I understand your having problems with it so it is ok if you dont add it in. All in all a revolutionary game. ? P.S A lot of people complain about the updates being slow and adding poor content. I think we should be thankful that Mojang updates the game at all. Some games on other devices cost 20 bucks and the company comes out with 15 different versions. Furthermore the reason it takes so long to update is probably because to be honest Minecraft is a pretty beefy game to run on a iPad and it hard to program in new stuff that wont crash the game every five minutes. Another thing that has been bothering people is that when they close out a world without saving or lag out there World is deleted. This has been on the Xbox one for a while and it makes sense to have to save a game so Minecraft doesnt have to save files all the time and all you have to do is save every hour and you should be fine. Another thing is that people dont like having to buy lots of stuff and are blaming Mojang. To be honest Im pretty sure Microsoft is the one adding all the payed features. But no offense to Microsoft because it bought Mincraft and they can add payed features if they want.(FYI Microsoft bought Minecraft) Also I dont know what people are talking about with the 90 minute limit. I just wanted to tell you my opinion on a few things. Sorry this review is so long and about any grammar errors I made. Thankyou for reading this and again minecraft is amazing as well as its community of amazing redstoners,builders,Surviverlest,Youtubers,Server runners,and Players in general. Also a special Thank you to Mojang for making such an awesome game.

Awesome game!!!!!

Minecraft is my favorite game and now that its portable its awesome +its easier to get mods on PE then on windows 10 or Xbox!!!?

Please add parrots and armor stands

Please add all the stuff from PS4 edition like parrots because I was playing PS4 earlier and saw the parrots so please add Ps for new players add the tutorial

Good but....

Mojang why does it crash do much I mean right when I join, boom it crashes so please fix it PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And also do u mind adding a few things like more animals, sitting in those steps that look like seats, armor stand cus I think that would look awesome in my world, and books that u can type in and that is about it and oh wait, I almost forgot to say THIS IS THE GREATEST MOST AMAZING APP THERE IS I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome game

This game is the most fun ever it should be first on the App Store ?

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