Ive been playing for 5 years so Ive had A LOT of updates and theyve been awesome but theirs a problem its not fun any more heres 20 things I really would enjoy in Minecraft, (Most of these are going to be effects). 1. When squids ink the player should have blindness 5 for 10 sec. 2. More Weapons and Gems 3. More Enchantments 4. When ever the player loses health the player should get slowness for 5 sec. 5. Add a Space Dimension and space equipment. 6. Add more mobs and bosses 7. Add more tree types 8. Add different wood types for chest 9. Add bottles of blood 10. When players drink blood the player will be given half a heart 11. Add Wooden Golems, Golden Golems, Diamond Golems, and Emerald Golems. Thanks For reading ?.