Used to love this game not anymore but still love it!!!
Used to love this game not anymore but still love it!!!
I love minecraft so much u can make worlds craft world go to hypixel and more but I have noticed a lot peapole have been hacking to get in creative and get good stuff on survival games and sky wars so pweese fix it
I have an iPod 5 gen and it crashes like every 5 minutes so please give my money back to me
The app is amazing and its awesome when it comes to playing in groups but theres a glitch that really take up all the fun. Every now and then when I would want to save and exit the game, the screen would freeze and will end up shutting down the app automatically and erasing the progress I made. Not only that but sometimes the app will erase all the progress completely, sending me back to spawn point as a brand new map, I hope you guys read this and end up fixing it.
When I downloaded the Minecraft game it was fun at first but as I go through this update but when I started a new world I started experiencing extreme glitches. Minecraft is a great game but I need this issue fixed as soon as possible
Look I love the game so much but can we add mods and more furniture and animals and food and like more then just lifeboat available (if possible) and my creative mod isnt working so there it is.
Im sorry for righting an angry review. I usually dont but this is rediculous. I spent $7.00 on this app and i cant even play it! ??? I played this game for a few minutes to figure out how it works (Ive never played monecraft before) and i LOVED it once i got the hang of it. So, when i was done i saved and quit and later, i come back and it crashes before i get to play it ?. This kept happening and i havent been able to play it anymore. PLEASE fix this and i will rate it higher and wont delete it. Thank you for reading
Me and my cousin were trying to join but it wouldnt let me join her world
The new update stinks. It makes the game slow and glitchy. And now my blocks keep disappearing out of nowhere. I would rather have minecraft without this new dumb update. But I will say the parrots are pretty clever. But anyway minecraft people Change this new update for us minecraft lovers, PLEASE!! If the new update is making your minecraft no fun anymore copy and paste this review to your review. Or just write your own complaint. Thats how we have to get our old minecraft back.
Ok, first off... this game is awesome! If you are reading this and thinking about buying it, you dont have to think twice! But there are few things I think would be cool to add. 1. Definitely add a book and quill so we can write in books. I have been trying to figure it out forever and then when I looked it up online, it said you cant on PE. You really need to add that. 2. I think you should add a human mob! Not like a villager. One that looks like Steve. And if you were playing MineCraft for like a day, when you find him he would be weak and not have many things. But if you have a house made of diamonds, when you find him he should have diamond armor and stuff. His items should depend on what you have. And he shouldnt hurt you unless you hurt him. And you can team up with him by giving him some kind of flower, or a diamond. I think this is a good idea especially if you have no one to play with. 3. Stained glass. I love the look of glass and glass panes on MineCraft PE. But I think stained glass would be nice. Im building a church and I need stained glass to make designs. I thought it would be cool if you could add that to the game. 4.The Nether Core Reactor. When I first downloaded MineCraft PE there was this thing called the Nether Core Reactor. I LOVED IT! But when you guys took it out of the game, I was so upset! I used to use it all the time!! Please add that back into the game!! It was almost the best part! (When I first got it) 5. Please fix maps! Maps are so useful, but not when you cant tell where you are! On a map you can see all your buildings, the trees, everything! Except for your point in the world. Without knowing where you are on the map, maps are pointless. Please fix this!! 6. We can only find beetroot, carrots, and potatoes at villages! I know this is how its always been in MineCraft, but recently its been really annoying. I am trying to make a farm, but I cant get any pigs because I cant get carrots or potatoes! Please let us be able to get those crops without having to find a village. 7. MUSIC!!! We need CDs and jukeboxes! I was trying to listen to some music while I was building and I realized it wasnt in the game! You should defiantly add music. 8. ARMOR STANDS!!! Please add armor stands!!!!!!! PLEASSSEEEE!!! 9. Shields!!! You cant give us elytra and not shields!! Please add that! You even gave us a slot for a shield, but no shields! 10. Coarse Dirt! Its not a need but I think it would be cool if you added that. 11. Fireworks! Where are the fireworks! Cmon guys! OMG I JUST GOT THE NEW UPDATE IT IS AMAZING!!! LLAMAS! PINK BEDS! CONCRETE! AH YAS! Thanks so much for reading this whole thing and if you agree with this idea, please write this same thing. I think it would make MineCraft PE way better.
This game is absolutely amazing. I have had it for a few years and love it. I spent around $12 on 4 texture packs two versions ago. After the last update I lost them. I no longer have the texture packs and am furious that I wasted the money on them. I also would like to say that I think there should b a way to download worlds from your friends. I made a really cool world on my iPad which doesnt work as well as it used to and just got a new phone. I would love to b able to get that world on my phone
As someone that loves Minecraft, I wanted to see what I could get in the new store. I tried to download the free Redstone Manor (or whatever its called) so I could mess around, but it never worked. I sat for half an hour trying everything I could to get it to download but it just wouldnt work.
I love this game its amazing all we need is a book and quilt. I always wanted a book and quilt so we could write books and publish them. Like for pranks in a realm, I would like to use a book and quilt instead of signs, its easier to use a book and quilt instead of signs or other ways people write to their friends. Im pretty sure others would agree, anyways this game is awesome! Catching up with the PC version. :)
This game is great but theres one thing yall say bug fixes but there are still bugs I hate that it kicks me out almost all the time I love how real it is though hope the new big update comes soon!!!
My game keeps crashing and I cant create a new world
I like that the beds now come in lots of colors, but I wish there was stained glass
I have so many Minecraft toys I even have the sword that turns into a pickaxe the worst part about Minecraft is coins I REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY want the adventure time pack but I cant get it! Im super annoyed by this PLEASE MOJANG REMOVE THE COINS I REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLY WANT YOU TO REMOVE THE COINS love pugcraft1.4
I would like for you to add a mash up pack or skin back or texture pack and make armor like a chest plate: MERMAID BRA Armor leggings: MERMAID TAIL Armor helmet: FLOWER HEAD BAND Armor boots: TAIL FIN
Minecraft is my hands down favorite game! It is creative, fun, and the possibilities are endless! I have this game for quite a few versions of the game, and I do have a few requests. 1. I think that usernames shouldnt be so easy to steal from other players. I like how on PC the username can be taken. 2. I think that the button sizes should be able to go up a little higher. 3. I think Minecraft on all platforms should have some new tools or armor added considering its been a pretty long time since a really common tool (like a Pickaxe) has been added. Mojang, I really do appreciate all of your work and effort and I really hope the game can become the best of eternity (in my mind, it already is) This is coming from an eleven year old so I apologize ahead of time if this reveiw is not what you were looking for. Sincerely, TheBiggestMinecraftFanEVER
It is so fun you can have new upadates and new mobs