Minecraft: Pocket Edition App Reviews

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Its confusing

I mean I like the game and all but with all of the updates you should at least give a heads up and suggestions like the PC version does, and it should have the little info boxes and worlds that you can create, with all this mess, its just a game of experimentation and confused content, not a game of strategy and adventure like it was designed to be, go old school guys, go back.


When I have a world and make it in survival and when I want to turn it into creative it does not show me the item in the menu to get the items I tried changing my player mode in creative and the world player mode into creative still does not work I have tried for two worlds! FIX THIS!!!

Great Game! But one problem

Ive had this game for years! And I love it. I recently updated the game and I made a new survival world. I decided to take a horse and found a saddle. I wanted to take it out but when I push ride and go on the horse or donkey it dies. I tried taming another horse and try again and this time I died and it said that I fell from a high place and the horse had a few hearts left. I made sure I wasnt by anything when I try to ride the horse. Please fix this glitch, please and thank you!

Horrible update

I hate the new update. Glitches me out of the game a lot. I can no longer ride my minecart meaning I cant test out my roller coasters. I powered the rails and everything but when I try and get on, it doesnt let me go on it ... ::

I like the game but....

Okay so dont get me wrong, the game is awesome! Theres just one thing.. the game crashes all the time and you have to buy coins! Everything was great before the store. You cant even earn coins you have to buy them - I hate spending money all the time and it crashes so much that I feel like throwing my tablet out of my bedroom window, and the maps that you have to buy. Theyre add ons that get downloaded for the upcoming update. In Minecraft youre supposed to be free to build whatever you want. But now they have maps you have to buy which Im assuming is also an Add-on, whats the point of even building on your own if somebody else is building something for you? It kinda defeats the purpose of the game. The game is cool and all but those reasons are why I rated the game 3 stars.(I know I said one thing but theres a bunch of other things)

Money is a problem

I have loved this game for a long time and honestly Im pretty mad. Im not sure if its a glitch or something but your latest update has been screwing me over. All my in-app purchases prior to the new coin system have been locked. As in, over $15 blown on nothing. Please fix this soon as possible, its the most irritating thing that I cant play world templates and use textures/skins that I PAID FOR.

Sorry just a few suggestions ...

Banners,armor stands,under water animals,dragons,and end, thank you!!!??

Love it but.....

I love the game minecraft and everything, but it has its problems. 1st. It would be a lot more helpful if the maps would be of your whole world. I get lost a lot, and the maps dont really help. 2nd. Could you add books that you can write in? 3rd. With the new update, I dont know how to make, like, a hypixle server or other thing like that.


THIS IS A AWSOME GAME if there was 10 stars I would do 10 out of 10 AWSOME but its a little glitchy drink a night vision potion at a sunset THE SKY BECOMES GREEN TO BLUE Extra comment: bone BLOCKS!?!?!?!?! If your really good at gardening then this is the block for you it gives you 9 bone meal even tho its kinda rare but it comes in big clusters exploring caves is the easiest way

What the heck

So yea this app is great but what happened my creative inventory is not giving me items I cant even use /give to give me the items it only shows command blocks there what fix your game

New Updates

Hey! I have one question when will armor stands be added to this because I have played this game since it has been released and I have been waiting for armor stands for a long time! I hope the next update will be armor stands I wish that new store was not added because coins? Come on I liked it better with real money. Please add armor stands in the next update

problem I have with the resource/behavior packs

You have to replace a block or an item whenever you want to make a new one for your ad on or text your pack and Valley I can change up with opted find that stairwell but difficult I view Minecraft PC addition in PE addition as having a way you can duplicate in item while making a Resource Pack and use decimals for the. New block item or mods serial number. So what suppose you want to make a command block look like a laptop and function like one you know if the cats them gold custom sound etc. but you dont want to replace current command blocks youd save it as say if that regular command blocks won the 137 and be 137.1 for the new black. Resource packs are becoming more white mods that theyre better than mod since they can be easily download it and are more part of the Minecraft games out something you might want to think over at Moe Jane please. It would really make the game more customizable and probably help your feedback. By the way Minecraft is #Awesome.

Found a bug

There is a bug that made the clock item a little wonky. And this happens right after I turned of the device

More commands!

I was very excited to see commands added in the game, but Ive noticed that not all of them are implemented into the game. For example the command that allows you to keep a baby animal as a animal for forever is not implemented yet, and /summon does not have the skeleton trap summon yet which you need to be able to ride a Skeleton Horse. I hope youre able to complete these soon.

Awesome???? By: ErrorSans

Great and awesome!!! but why do lamas spit it is kinda weird also the game kinda kicks me out but anyway good


Please make a book and quilt for mcpe I want to make an adventure map for me and my friends and I need the book and quilt for it to be good. Plus it would be a lot better for school role play and other things like "Im running away" or "dear ----, -----" Please add it? Whenever you can!


I loved this game since like,forever. Its amazing,but Im a little jelly of the PC and Xbox. They get a lot of cool stuff that we dont!So please add some more stuff from PC and Xbox

Best game ever ????

I love Minecraft because it has so many things to do build,mine,adventure,fish,hunt,and a bunch of other amazing things Love, Marie

So disappointed, also needs more real fixes...

You need to upgrade Minecraft, I cant even build the end portal and sometimes when I play in my world, the creative inventory doesnt work! Nothing appears in it. Try to make some *bug fixes* on roller coasters too. But overall its okay, and one more thing. When I get out of my world, it never seems like I can get back in , it always gets me on home screen. Pls take away more in app purchases too. If you fix all that , I coulda given you 5 stars!???fix them pls, but overall-good job.? the shop-thats a big problem, why cant we get them for free???!!! This games is for fun, not money creators. I never get a good map-who would want to waste their money on a map?! PLS FIX THIS GAME, itll be awesome if you did. Hope you think about this Mojang creators, its gonna be a lot of help if you want better reviews! Pls do not ignore every comment, they are lots of help!!!! Thanks


It wont let me play with a friend

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