Minecraft: Pocket Edition App Reviews

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I was recently building an artificial village and I was looking at the model of randomly generated villages in another tab to try and copy it onto Minecraft. I double-clicked my home button and clicked onto the new tab on Safari. I went back to Minecraft and my screen froze up. I thought it was okay and would just bring me to the pause menu and let me continue again because of the new bug fix update, but it didnt. It froze up and crashed. I went back into the world and I spent 3 hours on the project and lost all of the wall and farms I built. This is a huge issue and even with the new update released only yesterday, it still did not fix the reset crash bug issue. Therefore, I will be giving this game a 3 star. Please take this into consideration, as others may have the same issue. Thanks.


Minecraft is the best game I have ever played!!! All though I have some suggestions. Please add: Birds (I know, theres the chicken, but what about the parrot, and other birds?) Sea life (yeah, squids and guardians just arent enough. Armor stands. PLS ADD ARMOR STANDS!!! Please fix: servers almost always say INVALID IP ADRESS!!!!!!!!? Please fix I want to play servers!!! Thanks for making a mobile version!!! Keep updating!!!?

Awesome but glitches

I love the game Ive had it for about two years now! However, I dont know if its just my phone but when ever I try to get on creative mode it doesnt switch. It stays in survival. So I try over and over and nothing happens it stays the same. Can u fix this?

Notch help

I cant do the craft part please fix this bug notch

Plz add this to minecraft

I love minecraft a lot but have been waiting for the command block to come out


Its my favorite game but I dont like that you have a time limit to do somethings.

add things

this game would be 10x better is certain things were added to or that are already included in pc. for example: • juke boxes with record discs • book and quills • stained glass • armor stands there might be some more i missed but i think these are some very unique and fun things in the pc version of minecraft that should be added to pe as well. i feel thats a lot of recent updates have been great but weve been missing out on the older items and blocks for a long time while theyve been on the pc version. i love the game but id love it even more with these updates. thank you and please please please add at least one of these!

Bug fix for redstone

Ive noticed that when using redstone, the lever works once but when used again the redstone wont power off unless I add/break another redstone. This always happens when Im using many redstone lamps.


When I go to friends and then to a server it kicks me out when it says building terrain its really making me mad can u please try and fix it

Stupid lagging out

Ok so idk if its just my iPad but for some reason whenever i play minecraft, I get to play for like 20 seconds and it lags out.mi tried freeing up some space and I have 6/12 GB free, and it still lets me play for 20 sec and lags. Can you try to fix this


Minecraft is my favorite game in history, a life changer especially PE! please do not add pointless, and weird things like llamas. Oh and can you add in a potion that makes mobs not target you even if you can only get it with commands it would really add some more spice to the game! Please bring back the nether reacter! that was a really nice feature, and more commands would be nice! Thank you for reading!

I keep deleting the game downloading again

Idk why but when I go on Minecraft every hour it has no blocks then I have to delete it and get it back


When I made a rollercoaster and tested it out, when it went into the activated rails, the mine cart kicked me off, help?

Micro$oft does it again

[Short Version] Minecraft by itself is fine and works perfectly. Just dont buy ANYTHING from the store. You cant access them. [Long Version] Minecraft in itself is a perfectly good game. Ive played this game long before it even left pc, now I play it with my nephew, and Microsoft has done exactly what they do best, turn a good popular game into a greedy profit focused mini market full of stuff little kids cant resist, not only that, they ensure you cant keep track of wether or not your getting your moneys worth by using alternate currency. I play this game with my nephew now and he wanted some items. So along with skins and texture packs, I purchased a realm for 2 players so he could play whenever with/without me. That being said ... Minecraft the game is still doing perfectly fine. However I dont recommend buying ANYTHING from the store as theres tons of bugs that will keep you from being able to access your purchased items, Realms specifically being he worst of all, doesnt even create your realm, it just accepts your payment, which recurs every month btw, and wont let you access it. Skins and Texture packs only work if your signed in to your xbox account, which can go wrong at any given moment apparently so youre not in control of your own access to your items even though they will happily take your payments. I hope this helps someone out there and saves them their money. I also wish the Minecraft dev team well, this is not directed towards them. Hope this gets resolved, but Microsoft knows full well this was preventable, this game is already turning into greedy quick profit run.

New stuff in minecraft please

Hey in the update can you add different kind of dog like poodle,German shepherd,yorkie,bulldog,pitput,husky,chihuahua,cavalier King Charles spaniel,golden retriever,Shetland sheepdog because there are only one kind of dog and a end wolf because there are only wolf as dog for a pet and some different kind of food like popcorn,candy,pizza,ice cream,pretzel,soda,lemonade,French fries,milkshake and sandwich too and balloons and presents for like a party in minecraft,new animal like lion,tiger,fox,dolphin,panda,seal,whale,squirrel,owl,some pet dragon,pet bird and elephant too and clear water,ball for the pool and different color window and some poster for our house and animal plushie and some car and a pan and spoon to eat and cooking stuff too like pan,pot and cup and some furniture like chair please

It is ok I wish they added more biomes

What they need is more biomes and animals. Also they need new and better equipment!

Bad like idiot games

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Book and quill!

I would really like a book and quill here are some of the reasons why: 1. A lot of people like to role play so a book and quill would really do it if someone is doing a murder role play to write a note 2. If youre keeping track of inventory a book and quill would sure do the trick 3. If you make a school use the book and quills as journals those are all I can think of but a book and quill would be amazing ???????

Great game

Best app on the App Store.

OMG yes!

Best game Ive ever played. I obsess over it!

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