This game is awesome and if you have not already got it I highly recommend you do. My favorite part of this game is that I have played it for five years and still have loads of stuff to do. Furthermore I will probably keep playing it for many years to come. You cant do this with any other game (That I know of) Another great feature of this game is that the controls are easy to learn and after an hour of playing you can be a pro (kinda) I would like to say to Mojang that the update is amazing and if anybody doesnt like it then look into the code of the game. It ridicule complicated and imposible to understand. But Mojang programs awesome updates with ease. The only thing I think that could make the game better would be to add stained glass but I understand your having problems with it so it is ok if you dont add it in. All in all a revolutionary game. ?
P.S A lot of people complain about the updates being slow and adding poor content. I think we should be thankful that Mojang updates the game at all. Some games on other devices cost 20 bucks and the company comes out with 15 different versions. Furthermore the reason it takes so long to update is probably because to be honest Minecraft is a pretty beefy game to run on a iPad and it hard to program in new stuff that wont crash the game every five minutes. Another thing that has been bothering people is that when they close out a world without saving or lag out there World is deleted. This has been on the Xbox one for a while and it makes sense to have to save a game so Minecraft doesnt have to save files all the time and all you have to do is save every hour and you should be fine. Another thing is that people dont like having to buy lots of stuff and are blaming Mojang. To be honest Im pretty sure Microsoft is the one adding all the payed features. But no offense to Microsoft because it bought Mincraft and they can add payed features if they want.(FYI Microsoft bought Minecraft) Also I dont know what people are talking about with the 90 minute limit. I just wanted to tell you my opinion on a few things. Sorry this review is so long and about any grammar errors I made. Thankyou for reading this and again minecraft is amazing as well as its community of amazing redstoners,builders,Surviverlest,Youtubers,Server runners,and Players in general. Also a special Thank you to Mojang for making such an awesome game.
1818172781819 about Minecraft: Pocket Edition, v1.1.3