It keeps crashing!!! It will go about 10 minutes then it will crash its definitely the new update. Its never crashed this much before.
It keeps crashing!!! It will go about 10 minutes then it will crash its definitely the new update. Its never crashed this much before.
Pretty please add all the stuff on mcpc. And do all the cheat and hacks other people can do!
Whenever I try to load the game it crashes this has only started happening recently please
There is one bug that bothers me the most...whenever I open the app it always seems to crash, I hope you fix that because I loved this game! ?☺️
秋のアップデート予定の話ですが switch、Windows10、xbox one、Android、iOS をやっている友達とも同じサーバーで遊べるようになります。 それも専用のレンタルサーバーで可能です 24h起動しているので 家ではWindows10やxbox one 外出時は switchやスマートフォンでなどもできます。 よりプレイスタイルに合った方法で遊べるので、忙しい方にも。 スマートフォン版はオススメです
Need some UPDATES PLEASE. I want an update first of mermaids wouldnt that be so cool! Do a potion that you have to get to be a mermaid or merman.And then we could select how many minutes,hours,seconds EVEN DAYS and alos really make an improvement already too mch bugs and stuff i keep glitching out make more space AND STOP MAKING US WASTE EXTRA MONEY FOR CHRIST SAKE! The game already paid and you want to be making us pay more money for packs and stuff like really? Get your common sense people it should be free for the people who play this game if you giys dont make this update for not paying for more packs and skins packs and fixing glitches and stuff. Your deadline is by the end of the year.If not im deleting this game and telling my friends what happened (-.-)/ bye
I LOVE this game but its so annoying that we have the worst version. Now, I understand its cheaper, but, adding stained glass can spark more creativity. Even I think it would be better because in the latest ad you said the best thing about Minecraft is what we make, but, were more limited than other versions. Armor stands would make adventure maps in PE so much more fun. Custom books would look so much better than signs on maps and I know this because I make maps on PC. So if youre going to update Minecraft Consider what Im saying I bet lots of people would agree
I cant wait for stained glass etc update. The new update is amazing but I dont like the market place, I dont have an Xbox live account or an Xbox and I want the texture packs I bought from there back!! So I decided to just download texture packs from now since I cant from the market place.. Edit:KEEPS CRASHING WHEN I BREAK A BED, USE A CRAFTING TABLE, AND MORE
WHY DID YOU ADD COINS???? Like seriously!!! That update was pretty much useless!
I love it but its a lil to greedy and there should be more animals:3 ;)
The description of the game says if you can imagine it you can create it but that is not true. I am imagining a perfect circle and this game cannot do that. Other than that the game is very fun:)
I have tryed to get a pack but those stupid coins make it so hard I cant get it with out those coins
I love this game but the L last update it made the store extremely slow
Hay can ull put parrots and luckyblocks and particles in mcpe plz
My game glitches out at least once every 20 minutes which is super annoying then I have to wait for the whole app to restart.. Also the loading screen sometimes freezes..
Great app with lots of content, but it loads slow and my progress sometimes gets cut. It might just be my iPad, but normally my device works pretty quickly and smoothly. Also, seven dollars for the game? That seems a little too much...
Yes its a fun way to kill time but what is the point of achievements if they are not working correctly should I uninstall and install again next update better be a fix Ill give it 2 stars till then
I have a few update ideas that would make the game better. The first one is to fix the issue with the end portal not being in the stronghold. The second is to have writable books,shaders and mod capabilities
Why is it that minecraft forces you to rebuy its game on the same apple account?
I would give this review this 5 stars but it crashes 24/7. This game used to be fun until it started to glitch then crash every time I played. If you dont fix this no one will play anymore most of the people I know have the same problem and some deleted it. No one should get this app if they want non stop crashing its a waste of money and waste of time trying to do something when it will crash as soon as you join your world so dont spend 6.99$ on this game or you will be disappointed in the result of crashing also if you look up how to fix it nothing will work especially lowering the graphics and deleting most of your apps so whats the point of a good game and good updates if you cant play.