Need some UPDATES PLEASE. I want an update first of mermaids wouldnt that be so cool! Do a potion that you have to get to be a mermaid or merman.And then we could select how many minutes,hours,seconds EVEN DAYS and alos really make an improvement already too mch bugs and stuff i keep glitching out make more space AND STOP MAKING US WASTE EXTRA MONEY FOR CHRIST SAKE! The game already paid and you want to be making us pay more money for packs and stuff like really? Get your common sense people it should be free for the people who play this game if you giys dont make this update for not paying for more packs and skins packs and fixing glitches and stuff. Your deadline is by the end of the year.If not im deleting this game and telling my friends what happened (-.-)/ bye
Khalia Sergeant?? about Minecraft: Pocket Edition, v1.1.3