Stop adding stuff that not use in the game like the store it really laggy
Stop adding stuff that not use in the game like the store it really laggy
The game is very laggy. Every single time Im about to tap play the game glitches out. I feel like every single time an update comes, its a downgrade. Before, the bugs werent as common. Ive had this game for 4 years and the only big changes are more bugs!!!!!!! Fix this.
This is a good after u get a house and a ton of food there is really nothing to do. You could go to the nether but there is nothing to do but a fun and challenging game wish there were more mobs
This game needs bananas
This game has come a very long way. Its my fav but it has glitches. And cost like 6$. Plus its way more simple just to use normal money then using coins. Besides that the game is my favourite had it for a long time and play it with friends.
I have a few requests for MCPE. But I have one complaint that stands out. I was building a doc in one of my worlds. I had halfway finished the platform when my sister wanted me to join her world. I did, and saved the game. Then after being on her world for a while I put my iPad down and went somewhere. I come back the next day or so and go back onto my world; the one with the doc. I play it for a bit when the screen goes black for a couple seconds (my iPad was at 90% battery or something, so it wasnt turning off) and then showed my home screen. Dang it, it takes forever to get back into the world now. No worries... I have time. Well I go back onto my world to find my doc gone- back to the place where I saved it earlier. Furthermore, the screen said that Global Recourses Reset: A crash has been detected. The glitch thing had happened earlier but never had it thrown away all my work. PLEASE FIX THIS BUG!!!!!!!! I have seen other complaints on the reviews and my sister has been in the same scenario. Its been happening since New Years Eve, 2016. Or at least, as far as I can remember. It must have something to do with Global Recourses resetting or something. Nevertheless this is a really annoying bug PLEASE FIX!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you should make parachutes and working airplanes please???? by the way I love your game
I have a suggestion, you should add a ton of more animals like birds and other color dogs and stuff, I hope you take this into consideration!
I Love This! I Love That Your Free To Build Anything You Want!!!
Minecraft is great except the fact that me and my friends can never play together. This is because we play with 4 people and it always longs us off. I also think that the store in Minecraft is supper over priced. I think $2 is enough money for 1 texture pack. The stuff is triple that.
So I had SOO many frickin point things and a couple of texture packs now theyre all gone I had a candy pack and a couple others and I dont have Xbox live it was my uncles but I dont know what really happened because it just basically deleted everything and now when I try to click on the world that has the candy texture pack all it says is like by this world and you could play it Im super mad and disappointed
My game is always crashing After 10min of gaming!
Ok now.. I can save the game sometimes, but Im still freaking out every time I press "save and quit". New bug, otherwise its not funny, often, when I put a block (what ever block), it may disappear right the way. When I say disappear, its literally removed from the game. So I could keep putting more block at the same place, and all it will do is reduce the amount I got in my inventory. Fixing a bug to create new one, why do we pay?? Free game are better to fix theirs bugs.. Still waiting for an update that bring back stability and let us play normally without fearing any loss.
When I play with friends it starts lagging so bad bad but when Im on single player its smooth I think its 16.1 idk just fix it so I can play with my friends
Idk why people still play it but at least get it off the number one spot in paid. Its not that popular anymore so chill out.
Ok I like the game but the only thing that im disappointed with is the updates there arent many updates and even if and update is out its a small update to the game like new blocks or textures or whatever.Try and at least add new mobs or something because its getting pretty boring now ??????
5/10000000000 I realy like this app worth it. I think mojang needs to add a Harry Potter Mach-up-pack for minecraft because I realy like Harry Potter and I think people would LOVEEEE ITTT! -ItzPolarCraft
I love this game since It came out but here lately it crashes almost every 2 minutes and I lose no progress but every time it updates it crashes even faster