I would really like it if there where vehicles if it happens Ill give it a five star review
I would really like it if there where vehicles if it happens Ill give it a five star review
I love Minecraft, but what if I dont have an Xbox, I only play minecraft on my iPad and phone. . This is making my experience a pain!! Microsoft is not needed for an IPAD or Tablet if anyone else is using that. I paid money to play Minecraft on here and now my gut wants a refund because money doesnt grow on trees. . Microsoft needs to leave the tablet community July 16 So, now when I get on Minecraft it is signing me off every time i try to open it about 2 minutes in. I cant even look to see whats new anymore. .
The store is terrible now you cant even but anything without signing into a Xbox account and what if you dont have a Xbox
Fix the clocks tho
Please add mobzilla and make him do 8 hearts.
Hello I really love the game but that new in game store is the worst and useless. Pls remove or make it so you just have to use real money instead of buying coins. Also more importantly add stained glass, books you can write in and all those other blocks. It will make the game more enjoyable and I am truly sick and tired of the plain old ugly glass block. Thanks
Sometimes the app cant connect to realms. When that happens, I try to play my private world and the game just crashes.
Somethings still need to be change or fixed like the store but also the books you cant right in them unlike some version of the game
I used to see potential in the game the most loved game in my life but as I got closer to the time where they updated the game the thing I see that bugs me was that I CANT JOIN ANYMORE!!! AND PPL CANT JOIN ME EITHER!!!!! Idk why!! I used to love helping my family build there coolest creations and there best builds and super sounds of music!! HELP ME OR FIND A WAY TO FIX THIS!!!!! ;-;
I think everyone should try (MCPE) and for the people who dont have minecraft I feel sorry for them.But for the people who dont like minecraft I dont like them???????????????????????????????????????. But I think they should add more updates to the game and roblox really? I hate roblox!They have so many bugs and I saw that review about that roblox is better than minecart so I am mad at them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.Wow that felt good to get that out ?but anyway minecart is grate so you should download it.P.S. this is from Simon hi Dave Ellen Cole Carter Delores and last but not least Abery. ????????????????????????????????????
This game is awesome but the inventory does not work anymore?!??
Hello Mojang. My family and I love minecraft, but it has this glitch where it kicks us out. Dont get me wrong I love minecraft, its just not working so well. Thank you for your time!
I made a portal in my house, and then I showed my sister how to make one, deleted it, and then the portal to my house led to the portal I showed my sister, after I changed it. So now I am stuck and my best world turned into the trash. Can you make some way to let me get back to my house?!?!?
These updates are insane and I,m happy But i want dogs in the next update pleas Pleas pleas pleas I really want dogs cus dogs rock and thats all o and maybe can u add guinea pigs I love them and mine died so by the way totally download its worth every sent
Hi mojang Im maje ing a build that requires maroon and also other builds one of the builds I need it the most is the Lusitania but the only color close to that is Red only red plz if u do make it terracotta, wool, concrete indeed it badly and also it make the game seem more color sensitive I hope you take into consideration this.
Every time I play it backs me out
I think you should add stained glass and fireworks and the new arrow on pc and durability welding to its full extent
This game is multiplayer, fun, and the BEST!!!!!! Mojang THANK U FOR THIS AMAZING GAME!!!! Sorry if I spelled Mojang wrong? anyway BEST GAME EVER!!!!!?