Minecraft: Pocket Edition App Reviews

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Ok now.. I can save the game, but Im still freaking out every time I press "save and quit". New bug, otherwise its not funny, sometimes when I put a block (what ever block), it may disappear right the way. When I say disappear, its literally removed from the game. So I could keep putting more block at the same place, and all it will do is reduce the amount I got in my inventory. My game just crashes, and I only lost 5 secondes gameplay, good job guys!! Only problem, when I can back, my game that was 100mb is now 1gb ?, giving back some stars!


Its an okay game. Pc is still way better. And for those who glitch it might be your phone is outdated or whatever.


Its a really good game and all but PLS PLS PLS add parrots Ive been waiting forever

Mojang, can you please add command blocks into minecraft?

Can you add them?

Good app

Wow i love this app good app ??????????????

More more more

We need the banner and we need armour stands plz

Okay With It

Im really okay with it,its still kinda good anyways

Cant access inventory

I cant even access my creative invenTory. I just want to build huge structures with my friends butt?,I cant. This is the most annoying glitch I have ever had for a game that cost me 7$

Not good

When I go to the decorations in pocket or classic it crashes Maybe you should download MCPE ADDDONS you can get maps and cool mods

Love it

I love the game. But 1 opinion just popped up in my head. What if you were able to search for the items you need. Instead of going through every single little thing in Minecraft.??


WHY CANT WE HACH DRAGON EGGS!?!?!?!? Oh and the game is also pretty good ?. But you should totally add more stuff.but its still well idk boring without the lots off stuff especially the not having a hachabble dragon eggs??I really want to hatch one I mean whats the point off dragon eggs if you can only use them as house decorations? And why am I the only commenter? Anyways well Idk how to make a good ending so bye!??? ps. I love the game but the controls went invisible after I went on eletra and got shot by a skeleton but pls help me and fix this bug ? not that kind and update it so I can build I cant get them to reappear so pls pls pls help me with this bye

Great Game, But...

I love this game; Ive been playing for several years. I have a few suggestions for a better gameplay. First, WHY cant we buy items in the store with REAL MONEY anymore? I wanted to but a skin pack, but it says to sign into Xbox live... and then pay money to pay money! Also, maybe in the next update, can we delete multiple worlds at once? It takes FOREVER to load into the world setting, and I have WAY TOO MANY worlds to delete. Third, I saw the updates in PC and I wonder "WHEN ARE WE GETTING THOSE?! I CANT WAIT FOREVER!!" ?


I love the game, and have played it for years.

Sanchez_prisbeta the hacker

Ok so this guy plays on bh2 I like hanging w freinds there and my freind made a server we had a lot of fun on it but then this guy named sanches_prisbeta hacked in and ip banned uo so mojang please we this name and see if you can get our server back please

Awesome ??????creators please read!

I love Minecraft but those mods people make are scams please just make your own furniture and put it in the game on the next update Also people in the comments If you agree put your Ideas ? out there and they might listen Thanks for reading ?????????????????????????


It is good but it needs a update that is going to give you more storage space if possible pls make more storage space.

I like but...

U dont get the get the same stuff as the other players that play on pc and u cant even get blue or red pink know glass plane Im playing on my here Minecraft is great but we cant even our own skulls if can maybe your not playing with phone


For the next Minecraft update I think there should be colorful windows, fireworks, more doors, blinds, banners, more weapons or tools, sit or lay down whenever you want wherever you want to, more types of food, wolves that can change into cool dogs. Thank you so much for reading this, I hope it Will come true. This is my dream for Minecraft!

I have an idea

I love the game dont get me wrong, but I just think it needs more like maybe more villages and animals I think you should ad a jungle and acida village and ad more birds and sea creatures and more dog variety like the cats and please I beg of you to add dragon please please ??????????????????????????


I am building an amousment park and I am trying to build my rides upside dawn. Please Change the rales

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