Minecraft: Pocket Edition App Reviews

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So, when i play on this I had a really good skin prepared for it but the best part about it was that the goggles were translucent please allow translucent peices to skins !!!!!!!

Simple things.

Just a list of things that I think should be introduced in the newer updates. -Colored glass/glass panes -Minecart with Furnace -Rideable undead horses(skeleton&zombie) -Taming More Creatures(ex: Polar Bears) -More commands(ex: /entity) -Armor Stands -Banners Ive been in love with the past few things youve added and am glad to see that youre improving over time. Though I wish we had more stuff to do when it comes to decorating and the addition of bone blocks were pretty useless...


So overall I live minecraft pe but in the creative menu it wont let me take any blocks, its all blank. The only commands it will let me do is the command block ones. Please fix this!

Thank you very much for no more crashes! But just one more thing

The game is almost perfect now but there is still one more minor glitch to fix. In creative mode when ever its night time and I drink night vision potion and I fly up high enough the sky turns bright gold/yellow its harmless just annoying please fix this in the next update and also in the next update PLEASE ADD STAINED GLASS?!?!

Pgood but i lost interest

Its fun and nothing wrong with it, but I just lost interest

Textures ?

When I go and see the city texture pack and all the other texture packs except for the default one its not like before. I think its glitches because it looks like someone scrapped all the detail off of the blocks with a knife so it looks like a bad pixelated game. What do u have to say about that hmmm? ??


Whenever i join my friends world (not going to her house) why does it say Unable to connect to world but i have wifi? And also i can join my other friends world except for one? But still great updates!

Command blocks wont work

When I do command titles for command blocks it just says successfully done or whatever since the new update that just happened plz fix it

Unable to play

It crashes constantly and I cant play at all anymore, this use to be a good game what happened to it?!



Update mcsm maybe other skin packs plz

So do you know the mcsm as in Minecraft story mode is out know with season 2 so does that mean you cant have a feature to update skin packs plus it just has the same skin pack though generations maybe you could may add that feature in the next update you have been working on lately because you have been tweeting us the new skin packs you have been working on and than adding it anyways I hope you see this message anyways I hope you add this feature in the future.

My favorite game!

I love this game soooooo much! Much much better than stinking roblox ?who banned me from buying robust

Great game

Absolutely my favorite game to play I wouldnt want any other game.

Minecraft pe need to have all the blocks that pc have

Mojang you need to improve the game But I do love your games

I love Minecraft...but

I love Minecraft but I was hoping in the next update there would be REAL furniture like Minecraft pc!! So on your next update can you pleaseeee do real furniture like Minecraft pc??? Thanks

minecraft skin glitch

I have a minecraft skin I downloaded it to minecraft but the thing is the whole skin is black and every time I Join a world it says invalid or corrupt skin!

Um... Minecraft you can do better

Some of the items in the game dont even have the correct picture. I think it was also a little lazy that you changed the name of the hardened clay blocks just to terra-cotta blocks. And why is the PC version of minecraft so much better than pocket edition. They have many more decorations like stained glass windows. We deserve better.

Unhappy With it!

I am SOO mad right now the update said that they were fixing the bug fixes so I got on it and it froze my screen I was waiting for it to stop for like an hour I hope u fix this soon, and I have to say I dont recommend this game, Because its addictive to children and I dont want any kids to stare and play it all day long.

wow waste

Probably the worst game on the App Store

I LOVE THIS GAME!! but theres one problem..

The thing is that in my FLAT WORLDS THERES SERIOUSLY Infinite and not just flat EVERYWHERE like its surrounding around all of my fricken but buildings and stuff LIKE ITS ANNOYING Also can we get some new items like banners, juke boxes, fireworks, music discs, and parrots, AND I NEED STAINED GLASS

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