Minecraft is good but when the store came out I was sad because the adventure time mash up pack came out I was so happy but then I remember that you need Xbox live to get it and Im sad ???? thats why you should get rid of the store PLZ.
Minecraft is good but when the store came out I was sad because the adventure time mash up pack came out I was so happy but then I remember that you need Xbox live to get it and Im sad ???? thats why you should get rid of the store PLZ.
I just bought this app, for $7 mind you, and every time I try to launch it, it closes out. I want my money back ?
Rxexc h Ne n Take the latest craze in pop culture Game of Thrones for example, a nihilistic, overproduced Skinemax soft core porn dressed up in Tolkien fantasy drag, whose dialog ar fbfrrnd sumptuous production values tickle our senses just enough to distracts ok us from its cold black heart. If Tolkien saw Middle-earth as analogous to modern times, then GOT is Grima D.C. ; the ugly, jealous servant colluding with Saruman to corrupt the good King Theoden through lies and deceit. To watch GOT is to watch cruel-minded adults smear blood on the walls of a childrens play room.
Soooooo many glitches please fix
Whenever I am killing something, I usually spam hit the mob. But if I die and Im still hitting the screen, my finger always hits the main menu button causing me to leave the server. This is super annoying and should be fixed.
I cannot believe they were this close to PC and I really really cant wait until the better together update it is almost the end of the summer it is coming this summer ???????? but there is this glitch that I would love you to fixits not that bad because I have loads of Cobblestone in my survival world but sometimes when I try to place blocks they just disappear and also leave my inventory so I have to craft another item but I love this game
Im v1.1.3, I put a clock in an item frame, and it was fine for around an hour. I got off the app for a while, and just got back on and it was a bunch of colored dots. I saved and exited, then got back on. It was fine for about 10 secs, then it went back to less colored dots. Just want ed to let you know so you can fix it.
I had Minecraft FOREVER. I love all the new updates. I rate this five stars! I also downloaded a app that lets you download addons and texture packs. From that point and on I was obsessed! I got textures and addons here and there! Purchasing this app is totally worth it! I recommend this app to everyone who is reading this! ?
First I had a clock in a item frame and it appeared as a colorful pixeled square in creative mode in the item frame. I switched my game mode to survival to see what it was. I tried to switch my game back to creative mode but it wasnt working. It said I was in creative mode but I was still in survival mode. This is a bug that NEEDS to be fixed.
Love this game its so creative and fun but Addictive one time I stayed awake till midnight. But keep up the good work??
I would like to say a few things. 1. You need to change the store back. It was so much easier to buy stuff with real money. 2. I would love it if you just added Parrots like in the PC(computer) version. 3. Also, please add stained glass. Stained glass is another colorful item that people want. Thanks for taking your time to read this. You are appreciated a lot.
THIS IS A AWSOME GAME but Im TIRED OF ALL OF THE COMMENTS if you want thing not Im MINECRAFT PC ITS CALLED MODS!!!!! Now I will make u happy there is command blocks in this MCPE ( MINECRAFT Pocket Edition) here is how 2 get it /give @p command_block
I have lost at least 50 blocks due to me placing it and it glitching and saying its gone but not placed
Its so good and I love the wolves because they are useful and cute
U know when u defeat the ender dragon and u got the egg I mean what would u do with it?! I would really like instead when u tap it it teleports well instead when u tap it u get a baby dragon!! It matters when u hatch it at though say u hatch it in a forest u should have a forest dragon or u hatch it in the water or in high up in the clouds!? As soon as it hatches u have to tame it then guess what? U CAN GET A SADDLE AND FLY IT!!!!! But..... It has to be old enough or should I say...bigger. I hope we get it soon and u guys like it!
Some items in the game dont look very pretty, and like good to add to the game! But you guys added A LOT of not good looking blocks! Instead, you couldve added music discs, book and quilt, different types of wooden chests, STAINED GLASS, ARMOR STANDS, and I dont know if you guys added this yet but if u didnt plz add capes, banners, AND custom heads! Overall this is an AMAZING game
This game is great but all it needs is stained glass and then it would be the best
Absolutely love this game!
Ok, so Ive had Minecraft for years. Im the guy who wrote the completely helpful review, TameTheDragon94, and Minecraft broke. Well, not the game. One of the worlds. I hope Mojang reads this. I need this fixed pronto. I dont know what I did. The only thing Ive done was import an new map, play it, and delete it. Then, I tried playing my best world, Utopia Village, and it just keeps crashing. I tried again today. Its almost like he crashes happen sooner every time. Well, another thing I did was Ive been using commands a lot lately. Like the potion effects and other things. Thats the only thing I know I did. I feel like I could cry. That world was my best one, the one Ive been working on for years. They need to make commands more stable. Like, I think it keeps crashing because of the potion effects plus the all entities command. Like, you can make you and all your entities run like the flash or jump like super man. DONT DO IT. Thats probably what did it. Mojang, if you read this, plz make commands more stable, particularly potion effects that are super high, and the @e ( all entitys ) switch. I still give a five star review because Minecraft is awesome, but I almost have a right mind to give 1 star because this is how much I am sad. * * * * * Ok, so with the new update it fixed itself ? but then stupid me went looking for a woodland mansion or the farlands or something and went far far away & the world crashed. Mojang, please read. You guys are awesome, but you need to add more stability to larger & more data used worlds that people want to go exploring. Please fix it. PS- are you guys ever going to add armor stands, tipped arrows, jukeboxes, and all the cool ? stuff PC players have? I guess since yall finally added dyed beds, shulker boxes, magma & bone blocks, and terra-cotta yall will do it eventually.
I go into Minecraft and it crashes. I have to get on about 4 times before it starts working. These are really annoying and they need to be fixed asap. Idk what it is but ASAP. Its annoying having to wait for it to stop crashing.