I think in the next update you NEED stained glass, armor stands and lots of others things like book and quill thanks ☺️ over all this game is the best game I have ever played and I have been playing for FIVE years now, ? love you mojang ALSO THERE IS A REALLY BAD BUG IN THE STORE THAT WONT LET ME BY COINS IT SAYS LOOKS LIKE WE DIDNT FINISH THINGS LAST TIME WOULD YOU LIKE TO CONTINUE then I push YES then it says LOOKS LIKE THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH THE INTERNET CONNECTION CHECK YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION then I check if the wifi is working and it is then I reload Minecraft and it says the same thing so if you could fix this it would be great and ps I dont really like the coins thing I prefer the original way with out the coins
Bella dude about Minecraft: Pocket Edition, v1.1.5