Here is report on this game:
As one of the player who started playing Minecraft when it was still Alpha, I am seriously disappointed by where Microsoft is going with this game.
The idea of Minecraft that attracts so many players, was the creativity that can be expressed by this game. However, since 1.9 in PC and the 0.14 in PE, Microsoft has been blocking free creations and limiting maps, mods and add-ons to community creation. I see no point to squeeze money from players by selling maps and texture packs.
Now, apart from Microsofts horrible idea of charging a lot of money in-game, I would like to discuss the adventure aspect of this game. When notch created Minecraft, the game developers mainly works on lowering the limitations of the game. The goal was to created a real world simulation in a pixel game.
But, the recent updates lead by Microsoft have completely ignored this idea. It is almost like they are creating Mods not the actual game. Not to mention the coding of the updates get less and less complicated.
In these new updates, new items have no interaction with the older items, it almost occurred to me that the Minecraft team has been replaced by a Mod creator. Take woodland mansion for example. A dungeon build just like any dungeon in CrazyCraft, with a few custom mob that will spawn no where else, and loots than is just normal, old Minecraft dungeon loots.
I hope that for all the developers of this game, to slow down and do some real thinking like the old days, not to rush for cheap thrill that each updates bring.
fjjdhdkfjvkf about Minecraft: Pocket Edition, v1.1.4