Hey in the update can you add different kind of dog like poodle,German shepherd,yorkie,bulldog,pitput,husky,chihuahua,cavalier King Charles spaniel,golden retriever,Shetland sheepdog because there are only one kind of dog and a end wolf because there are only wolf as dog for a pet and some different kind of food like,hot dog,popcorn,candy,pizza,ice cream,pretzel,soda,lemonade,French fries,milkshake and sandwich,different kind of soup,butter,tomato,cheese,orange,corn,flour,
donut,marshmallows,gummy bear and chip too and balloons and presents for like a party in minecraft,new animal like lion,tiger,fox,dolphin,panda,seal,whale,squirrel,owl,some pet dragon,pet bird and elephant too and clear water,ball for the pool and different color window and some poster for our house and animal plushie and some car and a pan and spoon to eat and cooking stuff too like pan,pot,blender,trash can and some furniture like chair please
Radiojh about Minecraft: Pocket Edition, v1.1.3