I love this game so so much. And Ive been playing for about 5-6 years, first on my brothers iPod, then my iPod, and so on. I cant explain how much I love it. But yet we need things. Like we need stained glass. And armour stands. AND I NEED HEADS. LIKE NUTELLA. DONUTS! Please! You add non needed things! Like polar bears! Husks! And you cant even ride the llamas! Also, can you add motions like sitting and laying and stuff like that? Also. You NEED to have more tameable pets. Such as a different breed dog. Hamster. Just super cute pets like fish that you can have as pets. Also. More cat skins! You have the basic tabby, tux, and even siamese. But really, you need cuter ones. Like a gray/grey cat. Or a complete white kitty. Little things like these would be amazing. Also, could you put in cuter armour? Or cuter cat paintings. And for adding food. Make good desserts. Such as ice cream. And make different flavored cookies and cake. And ice cream, marshmallows, lollipops, nutella, and so many other candies! And also, make a way to ride a llama if they are in the game. And is there a way to play on servers like ItsFunnehs server and Hypixel? I love this app sooo much! But why is it the app $8 and then about $100 to get everything? I want these things, but theres no way Im paying for that! BUT ALSO! DONT make minecraft more realistic! And dont add tameable dragons please! thatd be so weird! And no way for Pokémon! There are addons for it. I really want some improvement like these suggestions, trust me when I sayy its make the app so much better.
FurryFeline9 about Minecraft: Pocket Edition, v1.1.3