This game is AWESOME and I love how you added add-ons and stuff because THAT and I mean THAT is greatttttt!!! I love you Mojang!
-I know about that red dragon idea. For those of you who dont know what that was it was a dragon found in caves that is actually tameable. If you continue that idea, you would have a lot more fans!
-Glass slabs and stairs and doors. It would be super useful and SO cool! I already have many uses for them, such as cars.
-More dog textures. The wolf itself is fine, but a new dog when you take it-- like cats-- would be super fun and cool. Again, more fans!
-Furniture. I know there is one add-on for it, but if you try and get it on my device it could possibly give it a virus or two. Just regular furniture in-game would be great, and just the simple stuff. Better beds, first of all, that have blankets and more colors, chairs that you can sit in instead of improvising with those blocky stairs you have to crouch in.
-Awesome animations! You can crawl, climb, high five, sleep, and sit. Now, thats cool!!
Thanks so much guys! I hope Mojang can do this for us instead of just reading the reviews, even if they do or not.
CCisSoCool about Minecraft: Pocket Edition, v1.0.4