I love and hate this game ! I love all the animals that are taken from life and put into this game. I think that there should be less lag and random buildings spawning around the worlds.
I love and hate this game ! I love all the animals that are taken from life and put into this game. I think that there should be less lag and random buildings spawning around the worlds.
I love minecraft but you guys need to add birds already Im so excited for them
1)The game keeps crashing. I create a server and play it, then I save and leave the game. The next time I open the server it crashes and it doesnt load anything pass the last part that I saved at. So if Im at one village and I go to the second village and the game crashes, it wont save the part when I make it to the second village. Please fix the crashing bug. 2)Beds disappear from the screen sometimes. Its Not that big of a bug but it can be annoying. 3)It wont let me open worlds. If I have a saved world and I try to play it, the game closes and I have to reopen it again. 4)The locator map doesnt work. It only shows you a small area of the world and if you leave that area you have to create another map to see where you are. You shouldnt have to have a thousand maps just to navigate throughout a single world. The map should move with you, not freeze at the corner when you go too far. Please fix this one.
This game has never been this laggy, its deleted all of my fence so now I have to kill 300 animals, I cant move because its so laggy, and my dad paid 7$ for this so please fix it because I love this game
First off mine craft you need to get better cause who wants to pay 6.99 dollars for a game that lags constantly? Why cant you fix this lagging issue cause I cant even hardly play on it for a long period of time until it starts lagging. Its very annoying this game is a rip if I was yall I would not download I do not recommend! So please fix this mine craft yall can do better then this!!
game is great :) follow me on Instagram @friedalive
I have all of these dogs in my world so I dyed the collars all different colors. So when the game updated, the colored collars looked as if they changed into sweaters. Then I turned the game on after the newest update and the dogs turned the color of their collar!!! That was really weird so I have no idea what happened. ????
Hey Minecraft, I love this game to death. But their is one, one request I really want you to add to the game! DRAGONS. Please it would be so cool to soar through the skys on a dragon! It wold be really cool if their were different types of dragons! I bet you a lot more people will want to play if you add these amazing creatures! Anyway this game is awesome but stop focusing on texture packs and skins we can get those for FREE on another app. Also it gets really glitchy if I try to join another persons world. Thanks Good luck
When I first heard about it I downloaded it and I loved it so much its so much fun and addicting and so much new updates to it I love mindcraft.
Great update, seriously, but I have found a few major bugs that I would like to be fixed as soon as possible to make this game more enjoyable. The worst one is that almost everything that I do causes the app to crash. I cant even be in the app for less than a minute without it going to a black screen and getting me back to my ipads home screen, also it doesnt even save what little progress I have made in that short time before it crashes. Another bug is nothing entirely new:lag. Lag has been antagonizing me since Ive had the game, it can lag me out or just be extremely annoying. Lag is usually fixed with updates but it somehow always manages to come back, especially with new items added. Once again, this is a great app. I would love to play with the new additions but cant because of these main bugs please fix these!
Great job Minecraft! Now everyone hates you! Four stars because of below vvv EVERY TIME I LEAVE THE GAME (without quitting and saving) AND GET BACK ON IT KICKES ME OFF AND THE STUFF I BUILT IN THE LAST FEW MINUTES IS COMPLETELY GONE (With the new update I havent tried it because it takes forever to load anything now...)!! This game is AWESOME and I love how you added add-ons and stuff because THAT and I mean THAT is greatttttt!!! I love you Mojang! Ideas: -I know about that red dragon idea. For those of you who dont know what that was it was a dragon found in caves that is actually tameable. If you continue that idea, you would have a lot more fans! -Glass slabs and stairs and doors. It would be super useful and SO cool! I already have many uses for them, such as cars. -More dog textures. The wolf itself is fine, but a new dog when you tame it-- like cats-- would be super fun and cool. Again, more fans! -Furniture. I know there is one add-on for it, but if you try and get it on my device it could possibly give it a virus or two. Just regular furniture in-game would be great, and just the simple stuff. Better beds, first of all, that have blankets and more colors, chairs that you can sit in instead of improvising with those blocky stairs you have to crouch in. Also TVs, ones that you could possibly put a YouTube link in and if plays a video. If not, a picture link. Also plates and silverware and cups for kitchens instead of using pressure plates and flower pots and hitting the pressure plates with stone "spoons"... yeah, its weird. -Awesome animations! You can crawl, climb, high five, sleep, and sit. Now, thats cool!! -Monkeys. What the heck is a jungle without them? I dont really like monkeys, but its quiet in the jungle. -Just more animals, period. Again, monkeys. And then elephants or zebras in the savanna, fish and dolphins for the ocean, and birds in the sky. Bats are annoying, why are they here?! Replace them with birds or butterflies, please. -Obsidian boats. Finally, we would be able to go in the nether carelessly and swim ON lava. -Toppling trees! When you break the bottom, the whole tree falls. -Corner blocks and ramps. The corner blocks are like weird stairs turned upside down then sideways. It would be really cool and minecraft again would be more popular. The ramps Im sure you know how they work. -Wall slabs!! Also wall slab corners. That would be SUPER awesome. -Vases would be SO cool! They are like a flower pot but filled with water and they are made of glass. You can craft them by putting glass in a U shape and a water bucket in the middle. You can put flowers in them too, but not mushrooms or cacti. -A little something I call "walls" have been on my mind lately... its like carpet but its upright! It goes on like a painting and you take it off with shears, similar to leaves. Cool, right? Thanks so much guys! I hope Mojang can do this for us instead of just reading the reviews, even if they do or not.
Hi, Mojang Lately Ive been Loving The app but one simple thing is theres a Time limit? And you have to buy VIP to not have a time Limit Please I really enjoy your game and when My sister Wants to play with me I cant play with her, Cause I cant join minecraft over the time limit please Delay This idea ? and Just scrape it for the Lords sake of Minecraft BTW Minecraft still is not letting me join servers and that there are too many CRASHES! Also Ive been lagging TOO HARD! The servers I play glitch out They freeze so I dunno whos hitting me while my game freezes
Ok, every time after I go change back to CREATIVE all the blocks are gone!!! CMON MINECRAFT!! WERE EVEN WAITING FOR THE STAIN GLASS ? -> ? -> ? -> ? -> ???????TRIGGERED
I was super excited about the new updates and the new blocks but when I logged into Minecraft a few of the blocks were missing the like the piston did you delete it from the game or...I did something that could have caused it on my profile if youre u have an idea please tell me. But still FIVE STARS BEST GAME EVERRRRRRRRR
Plzzzz at dogs I love dogs if downloaded so many apps for dogs non have worked
I play it every day and I cant stop
I looooooveeee Minecraft, but now, ever since I updated it, it wont let me get ANY items!! And now, apparently, you have to use STONE to make materials like a furnace and stone items! Which means that I cant get glass, cooked food, or smelt any items because it wont let you make a furnace! :( And, when I would turn on cheats to give myself something, all it had was command blocks! I deleted all of my worlds because of it, thinking that they were causing the problem... I got rid of my favorite world because of this glitch!! Mojang, at least get Jeb or Notch to help you!! Please!! It may just be my device, but I highly doubt it. I will NOT be playing Minecraft PE until this gets fixed! Now I have to play on the PS4! Oh, and also, and in all the blocks from the PCs and game consoles please! I dont understand why consoles and the PC have banners but PE doesnt. (And, it would really be awesome for you to add mods on here!)
Mojang I appreciate you fixing my first problem but I have some materials I would love to have. I hope you can give us Minecraft players the stuff I mention in this review. Here is just some of the stuff I think is necessary to help Minecraft PE evolve: stained glass and armor stands and than there is also shields and banners so Mojang if you are reading this thanks for all you have done and thanks for hearing me out. Your thankful friend, Jack ?
Plz add new blocks to the game as well as banners and mods to ios
I have minecraft on my Xbox 360, computer, my brothers PS4, and on my iPad and iPod touch. I cant even describe how amazing and fun it is playing on my Xbox with my best friend ever on multiplayer. At her house she has has an Xbox 4 and on multiplayer, we play on her amazing world that has so much astounding buildings and cool structures and minecraft has so many memories to it. You should be extremely proud of yourselves, creators of minecraft