Minecraft is a great game, but Im tired of seeing ppl complaining about the fact that the game doesnt have this or that, or asking for them to add all this stuff. There is a minecraft Reddit (where the devs are active) for you to suggest thing. All the devs can also be followed on twitter, and if you followed them, you would know that stained glass command blocks etc. Are in the works. You would also know that 1.1 will be released this month and that they are working on a mod api, but that something like a mod api takes times. Once finished however mcpe will be more easily moddable than pc! You should also know that the devs are never ever going to add stupid mod stuff like toilets! That would completely go against the games aesthetic. For those of you saying terracotta blocks ruined the game, just imagine if they add some of this other stuff you want that is just crazy and stupid