Thx sooo much for fixing bug dont but plssss add these things Armor stands stained glass and the thing where when you use your sword you spray and cant spam hit.pls add thxxxx!!!!
Thx sooo much for fixing bug dont but plssss add these things Armor stands stained glass and the thing where when you use your sword you spray and cant spam hit.pls add thxxxx!!!!
I bought a realm and now when I try to cancel it it keeps the now it steals my money every month, on a realm that I dont use, Im hoping this is just a bug and that they arent trying to steal money but Im pretty mad so it lost 2 stars
Can you guys do an update where you guys add Mods and such sort .. ???
This game is awesome it is hard to get bored of you can play servers play with friends or by yourself this game is never ending and has infinite potential
I love playing Minecraft with my brother it really good but can you add more things like armor stands stained glass and make it so you can add mods on easier for mobile players that would so much fun thank you so much for reading ? hope you add more stuff ?
Please put armor stands and stained glass we all been waiting for these items to appear in minecraft and thank you for adding the llamas but please make them so we can control them!? thank you for creating this game I love love love this game thanks
Please another glasses
Dude,I am only 8 and I love this game but sometimes it is super glitchy on servers and I hate it I know u work hard but fix this also u should probably make CHAIRS that u can sit on or maybe some more generated builds like castles or hidden bases or igloos(that u might have made)maybe actual tables and like I said in my last comment(Make a /create command to create anything)or stained glass or book and quilts and banners more enchanting books and maybe a lot of other things:3a new mob maybe or a new DIMENSION with another BOSS it would be a big help and couches to sit on anyway keep up the good work I love u MOJANG<3:3?????????????☺️???????I almost forgot and snooper settings and settings like a pc thanks so much armor stands too!<3
I loooooooooove Minecraft sooooo much. Its my favorite game to play on my phone. I love everything in the game the graphics, creativity, colors, etc. But the thing I hate is the coins. The coins I hate because when we buy stuff we have no money left over to buy more.
This game is so addicting I play it every day
This is the best game for creating whatever you want or fighting monsters and trying to survive. It is a great game for creative people. It is for all ages and is super fun. Everything is squares in the game. But it is super hard to beat ?
I have been playing minecraft ever since it came out and when I go on YouTube for help on how to build something, usually I have to leave something out because it was made on the PC version of Minecraft. And one of these things was stained glass! Ive really wanted stained glass to be added to minecraft for a while but now Ive finally written a review for it. Thank you and please add stained glass to Minecraft.
Can you please put stained glass in the new update please please please
Crazy craft People wish that they could do crazy craft kids want that Im kid to but put crazy craft kids like what super hero suits royal sword they have to what age 15 so you have to put crazy craft and people like PACman plz not mod a update plz put everything from crazy craft kids will like it in iPad and phone
You should put emerald armor and tools and emerald apples and ruby armor and tools and titanium armor and tools and bedrock armor and tools and lucky blocks and better trades with villagers and plz add herobrian thank you
I dont know if its just me but yesterday the game started to be lag so much. It takes minutes to load my world and when Im walking around it takes time to even load the land in front of me.
Its good but the only thing I would like is if you could add mod like the minecraft comes alive but on phone. Please and new blocks and animals
I really enjoy this game because it is unique and amazing. When the new update came, I was so excited to try the new things. The Elytra wings, ender chest, the end, all of the new things were awesome! Then something happened that made me change my mind. Whenever I try to turn my screen, it brings me to another direction. Its so glitchy and shaky. That is pretty annoying to someone who likes to build and fight.please Mojang, change this glitch and I would be a happy person enjoying the amazing game. Edit: Now since its been a few months since the new update came, I have some new things to share. The screen glitch that I mentioned above is gone which is ideal! But now new glitches started to form. The first glitch is that whenever I name my animals, they show up perfectly fine but then when I log out and come back in, the name is gone. Its kinda annoying for someone who has short term memory ?. The second glitch is the beds. They appear when I place them but when I put my head in a certain angle, it completely disappears. This texture glitch also erases my beds that I just put down! Its like poof, and gone! The third glitch is probably the most annoying. So pretend I have carrots in my hot bar. I wanted to name a wolf so I switched the carrot with the name tag. Now, the name tag is in the place of the carrot. When I go to name my wolf its perfectly fine, though I thought. When I try to get my carrots back on my hot bar, it disappeared! This happened to me with 16 diamonds that I spent forever mining, its raging! It does come back if I log out but do I have to log out everytime I want to use my hot bar? Then the problem with the name tag happens. Ill be happy if it gets fixed but dont stress about it mojang. You work hard enough and I feel like if you work too hard, these problems/ mistakes happen. Chill for a bit! But Ill be waiting for the new and improved Minecraft ?
Please get armor stands in the next update please!!!!!!
Minecraft is a very fun game, you can roam around play with friends exe. The only complaint I have is the recent updates have caused the game to crash ALOT, witch could be irritating when your trying to have fun. Please fix this issue.