Minecraft: Pocket Edition App Reviews

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Good but bring this back

Bring cheats back for other players I hate me and my brother having to play and him having give me creative or survival or other things but still 5 stars

Crashes and more crashes

Now I love Minecraft, but its been crashing A LOT for me recently. I get on my world and play for a minute and then... it crashes. Im building a house, it crashes. Im just playing singleplayer and it crashes SO MUCH! So, Im not sure if its me or Minecraft but, after I signed into Xbox live this has been happening! Thanks and hope this gets fixed soon!❤️


Needs amor stands banners dye leather amour.

Minecraft is fun but I dont want it to die

I dont want it to died cause what game would l play more minecraft it so fun to play and you can play with your friends

I cant even play

I love minecraft the game but I cant even play it whenever I go into a world I get a little bit of time and then the game freezes and kicks me out of the game please fix this bug so I can play minecraft

Animal idea

I think there should be more animals like dolphins and more. Here is a list of animals there should be:Dolphins,dogs (not wolfs),parrots (can tame),elephants, butterflies (with nets) , fairies (can tame), zebras, and I know this is not an animal but what about baby/kids, tigers, lions, and even fish u can see in the water which also comes with fish bowls. Thats all I have I really hope this turns into a update because I think people will be happy there is more animals.

I got some AWSOME ideas!!!

Ok, mojang we need to talk every thing kinda been same old same old. Thats why I have an idea so... llamas need to be controlable. Also different kinds of dogs cute ones like French bull dogs ,golden retrievers,Dalmatians,and shizu also... HEROBRINE needs to get into the game it would be awsome!!!! Ive also been told that yall need furniture like chairs and stuff so kinda like pc! But,I dont want it to glitch and for the finishing touch CAMELS !!! They would be awsome for the desert and let them be able to carry at least2 chest and they should be controllable so thats all for now!!! Cant wait to see next update!!!

Hay have idea

Maybe make lizards an other pets like taming lizards and bunnys that wood be cool then the bunnys wood be like the dogs or cats lizards to pleas do it i really wont lizards in minecraft

My Favorite Game

I absolutely love this game it is probably my favorite. Some suggestions for Minecraft would to basically try to catch up with pc. I mean I know its hard especially since this is a portable device and doesnt have a keyboard or mice but somethings would be better if it was more like pc. Possibly adding more ores, maybe mods for iOS, more biomes, some different mobs, more texture packs, more food options.

Crashing, but thats all!

Ever since the last update, my worlds crash more easily, and as soon as I hit the join button on my new-er worlds, its been crashing immediately. If I do get into the world, it only allows me to play for 3 minutes before shutting down again. Id appreciate if you looked into this problem! Thank you

Minecraft extras

Maybe make circle and triangle blocks, color doors color glass in circles and triangles Please

New blocks

You shude add shields and some real life stuff like tvs consoles iOS android devices and stuff like that

My hoe wont work

Today I tried making a garden and when I went to use my hoe to make the garden whenever I tapped the ground it wouldnt work, I even tried putting water right next to it and nothing would work, also whenever I try to change my worlds to creative or survival it wont work, example:if I create my world and its creative when I try to change it to survival it wont work for me but if other ppl join my world it will be survival for them. Minecraft has been really frustrating me lately.


Im trying to get into Xbox live and its not letting me it keeps saying could not connect try again! It was so annoying! It just crashed and that happened!

When kids write a review ??

Alright, dont mind the title LMAOOO. So you should just add the stained glass already like wow you guys are taking a long time..

Thanks Mojang

Mojang I am a fan of Minecraft since u started Minecraft.It was the best and still is the best game. Keep up the hard We appreciate it Thx, see ya

Love it but...

I love minecraft its my favorite game in fact I told all my friends about it and now most of them play it but there r a few things u could add to make it better like stain glass and a few more things but I cant remember what there called I havent played minecraft on my Xbox for a while but it would b awesome if we had all the same things on the phone!??


I cant seem to get the redstone mansion world for free for some reason dont get me wrong I believe that this is a great game

Heck yah

This game is so good just play it!

Cool App


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