Minecraft: Pocket Edition App Reviews

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I love minecraft its very fun the updates are awesome but one thing Im very disappointed about is not bringing armor stands into mcpe Ive always waited until the next update to see if armor stands were added but it never happend and it still hasnt...PLEASE ADD ARMOR STANDS!

Love it but...

I love it but you need to add the types of dogs!!! Please it would make me so happy!!!????????????



Great game but...

It is a fantastic game.My complaint is that when I change the game mode, others on my server with me get the change, but I just stay in the same mode.Please fix!Also,another complaint.There is nothing in my creative inventory.FIX IT.Also,are parrots coming to MCPE?

Please Add this

I love MINECRAFT but one thing that would make it better is to have different types of wolfs

I love the game but

Every time I go to play i will click it my screen turns white and it takes many trys to get in the game and when I do it kicks me out


This game is cool honestly I prefer minecraft pc ( computer) but its still fun and mobile...(((the last star is supposed to be a half star))) hue hue hue

Please fix this

Can we please have fire works and make it so no more crashes are there please and thank you


I finally found how to get mods my name is monchabunny join me

Its good but

Can you add like stuff that allowed you do get married and eh books+quills and other stuff other than that its good


Can you add T flip flops, stained glass and see through ice to the next mcpe update please!

Hardly worth it

I cant even play the damn game for two minutes before it crashes on me, even when Im offline. Totally regret buying the damn game and I wish I could get my money back.

Please read this Mojang...

So while me, and my, and my brother are playing. We noticed something. It was the Pocket Edition does NOT have armour stands, banners, and ( most wanted in our Minecraft family) Parrots. We would like to have these things. I know all these things are craftable in our current Minecraft. We would be very pleased if you did! I like your new update recently ????

Amazing but one complaint

I love everything about it except the fact that almost all of the updates are bug fixes. Me and my brother get so excited when the minecraft updates came out and when there were like 6 bug fix updates in a row We were on the verge of ripping our hair out. Other than that I love this game, 5 stars baby

The best

This game opened my mind to a lot of imagination and I give thanks to mojang and notch for creating this wonderful game

I have a few suggestions/questions...

Minecraft is great! My only two problems are that there is not enough animals and not enough furniture (but I still found a way to make some chairs) Im loving the new items (keep up the good work ?). Some suggestions I would make are surfboards, dreams during sleep, televisions that show some kind of pictures, more furniture (toilets, couches, chairs, etc)., plates, silverware, different foods, more animals/sea life, rideable cows, flying birds, and things that make Minecraft more lifelike... Im loving the new colored beds, but had to change many worlds (still awesome tho ?) Also, whats up with the "dream" you have after killing the Ender dragon and leaving the Ender World? Is this new or have I never noticed it before??? My last suggestion would be a Wizard of Oz texture/skin pack. Vexes could be those flying monkey things and the Ender Dragon could be the Wicked Witch of The West? Thx for reading!


I love Minecraft! But the thing that is not my favorite is the Xbox live stuff. And how you have to pay for realms... but otherwise this game is pretty cool


I really really really love this game, but, it crashes?. When I bought a mashup pack it kept crashing and I barely get to play in that world. Please make another update to fix crashes and bugs.

Amazing but...

I Had minecraft for a VERY VERY LONG TIME now and I did all the achievements now and it says you get free coins because of that and I still have no coins so can you fix that

Add more animals ALPACAs

Make a search thing like on the pc because it would be much easier to find things. I think u should ad an alpaca cuz there where are you more cute and nice than llamas and other water animals like whales fish crabs dolphins and maybe some elephants and safari and jungle animals or make mods work on minecraft pe

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