Minecraft: Pocket Edition App Reviews

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They need to fix the add on crashing all of it I cant even play!!!NOT COOl

Add more updates

I really want this game Minecraft PE to have better updates cause everyday I see you tubers with better updates then us so please add more updates to our system (aka) Phone,IPad,Tablet,and take a break on doing there updates and do ours

Good game

The game is awesome but when ever i try to get the redstone mansion it just stays on the screen that says it wont take long, I hope you can fix it

Used to be fun

Minecraft was a super fun game until you did the new update. Now the items in creative dont show up! Really frustrating.


IF YOU DONT LIKE THIS GAME THEN YOU ARE INSANE!!! (Im not trying to be rude or hate or judge you I just really love this game!)

Its so good but... needs something

You need to add armor stands

Awsome ??

♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️its best

Love it

So this games is annoying but it shows up to the game

Needs a record button

This game is awesome but it would be better if it had a record button


ADD REAL TRAINS MINE CARTS ARE STUPID And also add outer space to Minecraft like make it so your able to go into space and see earth and the moon


The game is awesome I play it all the time,but I have a few suggestions for a update,their should have stuff from the pc version like the polar bear and the llama there should also be stained glass. Those are my suggestions I love the game but please take the suggestions to consideration

Really bad

Bad game trash


Cows are nice cows sweet cows are everything but neat cows are full of love cows are full of joy but just dont treat them like a toy cows are rough cows are fast take a picture while it lasts My point is... I like COWS!! Oh and Minecraft is a great game Thank you

Things Minecraft needs

1 Deco bench 2 different options for dogs 3 more choices in blocks like WOOD different Colors I mean Im paying 6.99 I love Minecrafti have been playing it for a while now but these are things that needs


Very expensive !! Worst graphics on any device Its a complete farce. Over rated on many levels

Roblox is way better

Minecraft doesnt have football legends

The best game ever play!!!!

When I was playing minecraft,and when I was starting my new world,it looks every cool and amazing!!!

I love the game,but

It is really annoying that you only have a wolf in Minecraft and it really isnt even a dog.I love dogs and Minecraft so I would really like if you added DOG BREEDS such as Dobermans,Pomeranians,Poodles,Maltes,Beagles,German Shepherds, and lots more.If that is possible lets have dyed Collars, dog beds ,leashes ,and dog houses.I really havent played the game that much because I have a computer now and I can have those now but thats really hard to play on.Anyways I would also really like more tamable mobs like birds, ferrets, lizards,Hamsters , bunnies, and maybe more mobs like octopuses, stingrays ,Dinosaurs, kangaroos,sharks,whales,snakes tigers, camels, lions, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRADON DRAGONS /Ridable, and more. I just feel like we need more life.Thanks for reading. By the way this took me a real hour.

Absolutely love the game!!

Hey Mojang. If youre reading this, then youll hear me when I say that youve created a monster (me) that is in love with Minecraft and you are awesome! BTW, youre awesome and thanks for reading. Thanks, Durpydood073

It Wont Let Me Into My Worlds

For some reason every time now whenever I sign into my Xbox account and try to go into a world it wont let me. I dont know whats wrong. If its a problem with my account or something. Or its a glitch. If it is a glitch please fix it. I tried many times on several different worlds. But it still wont let me in. If you do fix it I would appreciate it. Thanks!

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