Minecraft is never stop updating I love this game Me and my sister join worlds we always check our updates Every single day
Minecraft is never stop updating I love this game Me and my sister join worlds we always check our updates Every single day
Every single server I have doesnt work!!!! What the hell! And when I do manage to get into a server, IT FREAKING KICKS ME OUT!!! And please dont "update" if your only "updating" for those stupid skins. The ones on the internet are waaaaaaaay better. Plz keep up with the PC Edition. Im very disappointed...
My worlds keep on crashing even though they didnt even hit 30 MB. Otherwise, would rate 100%
...just to fun!
Hey in the update can you add different kind of dog like poodle,German shepherd,yorkie,bulldog,pitput,husky,chihuahua,cavalier King Charles spaniel,golden retriever,Shetland sheepdog because there are only one kind of dog and a end wolf because there are only wolf as dog for a pet and some different kind of food like,hot dog,popcorn,candy like Hershey,gummy bear,laffy taffy,gum pizza,ice cream,pretzels ,soda,lemonade,French fries,milkshake and sandwich,different kind of soup,butter,tomato,cheese,orange,bacon,cereal,toast,grape,butter,vanilla plant,pear,banana,onion,pea,lettuce,bubble tea,coffee,corn,flour, donut,marshmallows,cinnamon roll,chip and minebuck with is the opposite of starbucks and balloons and presents for like a party in minecraft,new animal like lion,tiger,fox,cheetah,hippo,dolphin,panda,seal,whale,squirrel,owl,some pet dragon,pet bird and elephant too and clear water,ball for the pool and different color window and some poster for our house and animal plushie and some car and a pan and spoon to eat and cooking stuff too like pan,pot,blender,microwave,toasters,trash can and some furniture like chair and stuff for school like pencils,pen,vending machine,table,chair,backpack,locker and art stuff,music stuff,gym stuff and washing machine,clothes,phone and money please
When I close the multiplayer ... my sister can still join my world and I asked her how? And she says she doesnt know. PLEASE HELP !?!?!? ??
It takes a long time ago and my friend thin it doesnt work
I love Minecraft but the bugs or so annoying ? it restarts every time I get on it by removing my skin and name tag , restarting everything please fix it ????also we could use some more animals and cool stuff ?
Best game ever! Game has taught me a new way of creating my ideas into a video game. Helps my imagination so much.
You need to add colorful beds,dogs,plates,chairs, and other animals and furniture. Thank you
Great game! But pls add the following: Craftable saddles Armor stands Stained glass Furniture Etc.
We need armour stands, and saint glass, etc. PlEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????????????????????
I got a probleam with my dog collares i got them a lot a dog and they have different but then thay turn white. Plesd plesd very plesd change that pleased sorry if a spell a word wrong .
Best game ever totally get it I play it every day allmost totally get it!!!! Do I have a few glitches if you dont update it personally but still get it and if you are the person that made Minecraft I would like to see no glitches if youre on the wrong update and how do I also like it if you made it like where we could make it look like you actually took a bite into the food also I would like it if you actually could have every Single mod mod without actually having to get the mod make it for you so theres no glitches when we get the mod make it for you so everybody can get it and not even have to like really get the mod make it programmed on Minecraft in the next update It just would be awesome awesome everybody would agree now yes theremight be a One or two glitches but not very often please get
Please ad armor stands stain glass book and quill and Banners sorry if Im wasting ur time but Id play a lot more if u did
....The commands are too limited..And...They still didnt add armor stands...
I love Minecraft. Cant wait for the 1.2 update. For future updates I would like furniture. Also it would be neat if you added new foods and crops. Like corn, cherry bush, bananas. Some new foods could be flour, burgers. You could make plates to put food on. Again, LOVE minecraft.
When are the creator is going to put in colored glass? I love your game! I just wanted to know what are you gonna put in the Stained glass.:3
Okay with all these new updates I am SHOCKED that you have NOT added some KILLER THINGS like ARMOR STANDS we NEED them LIKE LITERALLY stained GLASS I have been waiting for forever for that to be added and banners I would love to see some banners and also to be able to customized what type of block you want for the ground and also to be able to do all the customize stuff you can in the world builder that you can in the computer pls pls pls add these things
Ive loved Minecraft for years (PE and PC) but 1.1.4 ruined multiplayer for me and my friends. Whoever is hosting the server lags horribly, and we cant do multiplayer together anymore. Please fix this.