I love it but it could be better It is amazing but it has a lot of lag when it rains Pls add more animals And it doesnt let me use commands (that is really annoying) U guys need to add more skins
I would give it a 5 star review but it wont let me turn auto jump off and its annoying when I play sky block because I fall off the edge
Okay so dont get me wrong, the game is awesome! Theres just one thing.. the game crashes all the time and you have to buy coins! Everything was great before the store. You cant even earn coins you have to buy them - I hate spending money all the time and it crashes so much that I feel like throwing my tablet out of my bedroom window, and the maps that you have to buy. Theyre add ons that get downloaded for the upcoming update. In Minecraft youre supposed to be free to build whatever you want. But now they have maps you have to buy which Im assuming is also an Add-on, whats the point of even building on your own if somebody else is building something for you? It kinda defeats the purpose of the game. The game is cool and all but those reasons are why I rated the game 3 stars.
Please add command blocks please
I cant open chests plz fix the bug plz
Can you please add black stained glass pane? It would really help.
When me and my brother found this server on YouTube we played on it for about 3 days and today me and my brother where going to go play in our theme park. When I looked EVERYTHING was gone. All of the terrecotta and concrete and dyed beds were GONE. AND when my brother went in his world to check if things were fine beacause he just deleted the server. And he went to go check on one of his creations in the item frame and it was a glitchy mess. So please please please please plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz PLEASE fix this. If you could me and my brother would be the 2 happiest people in the whole galaxy. Please fix it Mojang. Thnx
It wont let me in the game I go in a world and it shuts the game off plz fix it
The command blocks dont show in creative! I have to say on shat "/give princess_color command block"
Minecraft is a great app but sometimes when I play with no wifi it crashes then I try to with my internet and it still crashes Mojang/4j studios fix this pleaseeee
So I have this world I was working on and I needed something in the inventory with everything idk what its called but so I went in and I was in creative and there was nothing it was just grey... I tried deleting minecraft it worked for a day?So Im hoping you can fix this. Trust me I love minecraft but its just that one thing that ruins it. Minecraft is so awesome amazing I dont even know how to explain it!its like the best game ever. Thank you for reading. I hope you can fix the bug I just found the problem I have Aton of servers and I deleted them all and the bug stopped but I want to play hunger games and stuff so please fix it. Thank you best wishes a player aka -aleenaiscool
I have a server app and its not working enymore and I know its not the server app
So I just started playing minecraft and it wont let me play on my worlds it will say loading blocks, then crash. Its not just me, its the rest of my family too. It needs to be updated. There hasnt been an update in forever. So maybe thats the problem. All I know is that Im an unhappy customer. And I cant and wont play until you update it. It crashes and sends me back to the home screen when I try to load a world. I tried it all. I deleted minecraft and lost all my worlds. Then redownloaded it. Im only giving 2 stars. It got 2 because at least it allows me to play on someone elses world on multiplayer. Does anyone else have this problem?
I love the game. Hey its the only thing that is on my phone.
A lot of people keep getting out of Minecraft so when I go to bookshelf I keep getting out also I lag when people join me why does it take so long for u guys to update and add more stuff and also when I do the enchant infinity on my bows it doesnt work
There should be deer and turkeys and other wild game in Minecraft. That is all.
I think it Should have a little up Date like Electricty or something Securty Camras It would help a looooot because I hate trollers love this game!?
I love Minecraft because its a game where you can do ANYTHING! And you only pay once to play it! Love it! ❤️
The app is great in general but there are a couple things I would like to be added or changed: • I want a way to pick up lava if it has been spilled. I accidentally dropped a bucket of lava and it burnt down my entire house. I couldnt figure out how to pick it up. • It would be nice to have stained glass and a lot of people in the reviews are suggesting it so it would make a lot of people happy. • I want to be able to sleep with monsters nearby in creative mode because sometimes it wont let me and you cant die or be hurt in that mode. • I want new types of horses such as draft and miniature horses. • It would also be nice to have some new good mobs like goats, sheep and parrots